Register Today! IndyNAWIC Scholarship Golf Outing
Register online or download the official registration form/flier and help us raise money for our scholarship program. The IndyNAWIC...

IndyNAWIC Recognizes Winners at Award Banquet
Congratulations to the winners at the Construction Industry Appreciation and Hand Drafting Awards Banquet! We appreciate all that you do...

Ivy Tech Community College Master Plan
IndyNAWIC would like to thank Aaron Roberts, Executive Director of Administrative Services for Ivy Tech spoke about where Ivy Tech has...

Community Justice Complex
IndyNAWIC would like to thank Bill Shrewsberry, President at Shrewsberry & Associates, John Kish, Project Director at 16 Tech, Matt...

Citizens Energy Group Former Coke Plant: Redevelopment Strategy Plan Presentation
IndyNAWIC would like to thank Karen Valiquett, PE, Project Manager for Core Planning Strategies, Jeff Sparks, Community Development,...

Lisa Feeley Presents on Lean Six Sigma
Thank you Lisa Feeley for the educational introduction to Lean Six Sigma. For more information on Lean Six Sigma and becoming certified,...

2017-2018 IndyNAWIC Board of Officers and Directors Installed
Congratulations to the newly installed 2017-2018 IndyNAWIC Officers and Directors! Jennifer Arvin, President; Jamisyn Rodimel, Vice...

2017-2018 Board Elected
Congratulations to the upcoming 2017-2018 IndyNAWIC Board Left to Right: Megan Rush, Director Sarah Hook, Current President Kristen...

Ball State University Presents on Campus Master Plan
Thank you, Greg Graham, with #BallStateUniversityfor presenting their current Master Plan. For more information about the Plan, click...

Construction Industry Awards Night
Congratulations to the winners at the #IndyNAWIC 2017 Construction Industry Awards Banquet! We appreciate all that you do for our...